rise and shine lets have a guud day brush the negativity away, ah rise and shine lets have a guud day brush the negativity away, away
i carry crystals in my pocket just to add a new level to my aura cause you know when you be out and about and them vampires lurking they feel my power level rising cause im fasting
i sense a gaze from my peripheral the matrix sounds so loud when im zoned in like a telephone call man im tuned in to higher frequency you probably think im make believe
rise and shine that light you got on the ones thats on the comeup support is free and you was them and they'll be you, ah rise and shine lets have a guud day brush the negativity away, away
the peak of my day is the awareness that im up in the physical then the gratitude, gratitude feeling i get it just overtakes me and I float all the way to the set of the sun staring at clarity no blockage shall form within me every step i take, i'm glowing spreading the vibrations that you want but not showing
its your world, so create dont you play with your destiny that'll probably be the biggest regret that you have then here comes the unconscious, reincarnation cycle got me flowing like i'm michael and i know i can change the world with my eyes closed
rise and shine lets have a guud day brush the negativity away, ah rise and shine lets have a guud day brush the negativity away, away
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very nice
very good
this should be everyone alarm frfr🌞