prolly gonna make a vid to this hook. some trippy over edit loop
the worlds goin mad attached to their past don't know how to act embrace the moment cause that's all you have
the worlds goin mad attached to their past don't know how to act embrace the moment cause that's all you have
my people, my people damn some of ya'll turned into sheeple but I'm not judging you i just call it how i see it and i know it cause I call in from the source baby
how you connected to god when you disconnected from your temple all this sin I'm seeing in this life is really simple keep playing and you'll turn into a Sims 2 diamond over your fucking head you were blinded by the truth know thyself and know the world see the macro through the micro know your idols are reflections you projected for your benefit
the worlds goin mad attached to their past don't know how to act embrace the moment cause that's all you have
the worlds goin mad attached to their past don't know how to act embrace the moment cause that's all you have
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crazy shit fr
thats fire bro
i like this beat too whoever made it
dee b
i like i like
hol onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
prolly gonna make a vid to this hook. some trippy over edit loop