fathomless x2
fathomlessly flooding
need a castle for the king
moldavite the crystal
cleaning daily with the greens
lately i been healing
that's a process that wont cease
fathomless x2
to fully innerstand me
know that i am everything
born into the vessel
i wont wrestle with disease
calming vibes is what I need
sun baking on the beach
no need for a hand shake
i'd rather greet your energy
terms cannot explain
the essence that you see
rich soul in and out
beings of abyss
stumbled into the rabbit hole
discovered karats in my wrist
detached from reality
detached from a salary
no need to break a sweat
I'm saving up my calories
charged like a battery
I'm always on go
finishing what i started
universe take control
fathomless x2
fathomlessly flooding
need a castle for the king
moldavite the crystal
cleaning daily with the greens
lately i been healing
that's a process that wont cease
fathomless x2
to fully innerstand me
know that i am everything
born into the vessel
i wont wrestle with disease
calming vibes is what I need
sun baking on the beach
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