Seeds grow. leaves blow disease GO. conjured up these melodies for your soul
ima servant to the growth it keeps me afloat when I'm sinking , I'm thinking it seems like I'm dreaming
what's the reason what's believing if we give life meaning
she's a demon at night an angel when the angle is right
lord I'm so thankful i found you inside of me
to my family, i know I've been distant had to heal my heart get what i was giving love was missng
battled through these cold hearted feelings s/o to my ex for the healing things go as plan cause we aint plan nothing
and thats all me, i take the blame I was lonely till switched the lane finally colliding with better things the music I'm making will bless us like a verse from the scriptures this is my testimony always been different, eccentric that's me always been different, eccentric that's we never fit in, outside box i think i was tripping, lost myself too times but we back again i know you feel the vibe i know you feel it in my vibe oh you don't feel me, lemme add this reverb rising out of old me, this that Jesus rebirth and no I'm not religious i been Christian it just wasn't for me now i found the truth and its coming from the source
Seeds grow. leaves blow disease GO. conjured up these melodies for your soul ima servant to the growth it keeps me afloat when I'm sinking in thinking it seems like I'm dreaming what's the reason what's believing if we give life meaning she's a demon at night an angel when the angle is right lord I'm so thankful i found you inside of me to my family, i know I've been distant had to heal my heart get what i was giving love was missing
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